Uploads by Mark r
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This special page shows all uploaded files.
Date | Name | Thumbnail | Size | Description | Versions |
22:38, 8 December 2012 | MAG Mills.jpg (file) | 108 KB | MAG Mill | 1 | |
22:43, 8 December 2012 | MAL Laths.jpg (file) | 112 KB | 1 | ||
22:48, 8 December 2012 | MAG Lasers.jpg (file) | 87 KB | 1 | ||
00:24, 9 December 2012 | MAG SandBlasterS.jpg (file) | 88 KB | Sand Blaster | 1 | |
00:25, 9 December 2012 | MAG CutoffSawS.jpg (file) | 94 KB | Cut Off Saw | 1 | |
16:43, 9 December 2012 | MAG DrillPressCS.jpg (file) | 37 KB | Drill Press | 1 | |
16:44, 9 December 2012 | MAG CutoffSawCS.jpg (file) | 42 KB | Cut Off Saw | 1 | |
16:44, 9 December 2012 | MAG AirCompresserCS.JPG (file) | 65 KB | Air Compressor | 1 | |
16:45, 9 December 2012 | Homemade CNC Dremel Routes.jpg (file) | 109 KB | Homemade CNC Dremel Route | 1 | |
16:50, 9 December 2012 | MAL LathCS.jpg (file) | 58 KB | Lathe | 1 | |
16:50, 9 December 2012 | MAG MillCS.jpg (file) | 52 KB | Mill | 1 | |
21:40, 9 December 2012 | Ping Pong Audio Visualizer01.png (file) | 223 KB | Ping Pong Audio Visualizer 001 | 1 | |
21:51, 9 December 2012 | Harrison 6205B Dual DC Power SupplyCS.png (file) | 131 KB | Harrison 6205B Dual DC Power Supply | 1 | |
21:52, 9 December 2012 | Hitachi V-212 20MHz OscilloscopeSC.png (file) | 115 KB | Hitachi V-212 20MHz Oscilloscope | 1 | |
21:52, 9 December 2012 | MAG HP 1631D Logic AnalyzerCS.png (file) | 135 KB | MAG_HP 1631D Logic Analyzer | 1 | |
02:49, 5 February 2013 | Epoxy Granite CNC Tabletop Mill01Cs.png (file) | 182 KB | Epoxy Granite CNC Tabletop Mill mold | 1 | |
02:51, 5 February 2013 | RepRap Prusa Air Mendel01Cs.png (file) | 345 KB | Prusa Air Mendel RepRap 3D printer | 1 | |
02:52, 5 February 2013 | Keycard EntryCs.png (file) | 87 KB | Key card Entry | 1 | |
02:53, 5 February 2013 | ChipKit PCB boardCs.png (file) | 270 KB | ChipKit PCB board | 1 | |
04:18, 5 February 2013 | LED Class01Cs.png (file) | 351 KB | LED Class | 1 | |
04:27, 6 February 2013 | LED Resistor Selector Dial.png (file) | 117 KB | LED Resistor Selector Dial | 1 | |
07:00, 16 February 2013 | CoolCutsawCS.png (file) | 203 KB | Cool Cut Saw | 1 | |
19:41, 16 March 2013 | PingPongAudioVisualizerProgress01.png (file) | 165 KB | Malak and Jared working on chipKIT. | 1 | |
22:04, 21 April 2013 | PingPongAudioVisualizerProgress02.png (file) | 182 KB | Ping Pong Audio Visualizer Progress 02 | 1 | |
22:16, 21 April 2013 | Epoxy Granite CNCs02.png (file) | 128 KB | Epoxy Granite CNC | 1 | |
23:01, 21 April 2013 | PingPongAudioVisualizerProgress022.png (file) | 153 KB | Ping Pong Audio Visualizer Progress 022 | 1 | |
07:15, 14 May 2013 | PingPongAudioVisualizerProgress03.png (file) | 158 KB | Ping Pong Audio Visualizer Progress 03 | 1 | |
03:28, 17 May 2013 | PingPongAudioVisualizerProgress04.png (file) | 85 KB | Ping Pong Audio Visualizer Progress 4 | 1 | |
23:14, 30 May 2013 | Epoxy Granite CNCs03.png (file) | 158 KB | Epoxy_Granite_CNCs Maded | 1 | |
23:57, 30 May 2013 | Vacuum Bag with Pump.png (file) | 198 KB | Vacuum Bag with Pump | 1 | |
00:01, 31 May 2013 | RepRap Mendel01.png (file) | 221 KB | RepRap_Mendel | 1 | |
00:07, 30 January 2014 | Ammco2700H-FramePress.png (file) | 125 KB | Ammco 2700 H-frame press | 1 | |
00:08, 30 January 2014 | DakeMEPCobra350ColdCutSaw.png (file) | 117 KB | Dake MEP Cobra 250 Cold Cut Saw | 1 | |
00:08, 30 January 2014 | ChicagoEle90AFluxWireWelder.png (file) | 127 KB | Chicago Electric 90A flux wire welder | 1 | |
00:10, 30 January 2014 | OxyAcetyleneTorchTanks.png (file) | 136 KB | Oxygen/Acetylene Torch and tanks | 1 | |
00:10, 30 January 2014 | BenchtopGrinder.png (file) | 120 KB | Benchtop Grinding Wheel | 1 | |
01:01, 30 January 2014 | HuskyNailGun.png (file) | 76 KB | Husky Nail Gun | 1 | |
01:02, 30 January 2014 | BandSaw.png (file) | 115 KB | Band Saw | 1 | |
01:02, 30 January 2014 | Delta6InchMiterSaw.png (file) | 71 KB | Delta 6" Miter Saw | 1 | |
01:03, 30 January 2014 | RecipricatingSaw.png (file) | 47 KB | Recipricating Saw | 1 | |
01:03, 30 January 2014 | CordlessSkillSaw.png (file) | 78 KB | Cordless Skill Saw | 1 | |
01:04, 30 January 2014 | HandWheelGrinder.png (file) | 59 KB | Hand Wheel Grinder | 1 | |
01:04, 30 January 2014 | CordlessDrills.png (file) | 74 KB | Cordless Drills | 1 | |
01:05, 30 January 2014 | TwoSolderingStations.png (file) | 119 KB | 2 Soldering Stations | 1 | |
01:05, 30 January 2014 | Craftsman10InchTableSaw.png (file) | 144 KB | Craftsman 9 Inch Table Saw | 1 | |
01:13, 30 January 2014 | InjectionMolder.png (file) | 124 KB | Newbury Industries Eldorado Injection Molder V1-30M | 1 | |
16:30, 1 February 2014 | TeslaCoilSmall.png (file) | 148 KB | Tesla Coil Small | 2 | |
05:57, 22 February 2014 | InFocusStand01.png (file) | 262 KB | InFocus TV Stand back | 1 | |
05:58, 22 February 2014 | InFocusStand02.png (file) | 448 KB | InFocus TV Stand front | 1 | |
19:45, 4 March 2014 | MAG SignOriginal01.png (file) | 262 KB | MAG Lab Sign Original | 1 |