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HAL is MAG Laboratory's motion, door, and open status monitor.

HAL Diagram


HAL's name comes from the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. It stood for Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic Computer. At MAG Laboratory, we know it as HAL is Always Lying as both a reference to the movie and to the bleak reality which surrounds us.


HAL is based on the raspberry-pi (one) model B and uses the PI's GPIO pins to interface with the outside world.

There is a hardware design document on Google Drive.



HAL GUI updated with better fan controls

  • Still not feature-complete

Grafana Interface Added

InfluxDB Logging Started


Internal HAL GUI prototype released (C#, mono)

Fan (motor) temperature sensor attached

LT3960 differential one-wire implemented.

  • using 5V power directly connected to VCC instead of the 3v3 internal LDO
  • the termination resistors are set to the 100 ohm impedance of Ethernet rather than the standard 120 ohm CAN termination

Temperature Network Restart Added (problem report not written)

  • Restarts the HAL temperature sensor network when outages or over-current conditions are detected
  • MIC2090 chip used. 100mA current on the 5V line.


Sensor network expanded

  • ShopB
    • Motion
    • Temp
  • Outdoor Temp
  • ConfRm
    • Motion
    • Temp
  • ElecRm
    • Motion
    • Temp

Internal HAL GUI implemented (python + pyside2)

Web Synoptic View Implemented

HAL internal mounting board added.

HAL interface & protection board added (See HAL-2 in the Problem Reports)


HAL was created??? [Needs Confirmation]

Maintenance Notes

HAL Enclosure

Written 2023-10-04. The new HAL enclosure with the screen requires the entire raspberry pi be removed before maintenance. This is because of a design oversight and may be resolved by the time another internal electronics mounting board is developed.

Additionally, not all standoffs inside HAL are threaded with loctite or any other thread locking compound, so removing things from the standoffs may not be advised. This is also to be fixed by the time another internal electronics update is completed.

Problem Reports

HAL-1 : "Main Door" does not describe the door being monitored

HAL-2 : Haldor Board is not Sufficiently Skookum for Safety

HAL-3 : A synoptic view should be implemented

HAL-4 : An Auto Updating Feature Should be Implemented

Photo Gallery